Reality checks and time management


3 min read

Yesterday, I faced reality head on. Till now, I kept putting off some things that had to be done but yesterday when I was going through the deadlines that I had to meet and all the insane amount of pending work that I had to get done at any cost, I started panicking, which is the easiest thing to do in such situations. If I was my younger self, I would have cried and cried and wasted more time. But now, I'm at a position where I understand time management better. I'm not an expert at it. I am extremely bad at managing time. I keep repeating this to myself again and again, that I'm bad at managing time, then I make a proper schedule, follow it for a day or two, fall back into my previous routine and keep expecting different results.

There's a quote :

Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

If that is what insanity is, then I can surely say that I have been residing in a pool of insanity till now. Using fancy time management tools might make you feel productive for the time being. Having a schedule in place might make you feel accomplished. But unless you follow that damn schedule you are not going anywhere Manu!!!!

How many weeks is it going to take before you actually do the work? How many times are you going to put it off and then give it up in the end? How many times will you keep cancelling things off of your to do list thinking that you will do it the next day and then focus only on enjoyable activities for the time being?

Yes I understand it is hard to do these things that you've been putting off. There are different reasons. It might be because they don't interest you, or there's so much work to get done that you don't want to face it and so you procrastinate. But remember, when you are taking something up, complete it. Don't give up in the middle. Just finish what needs to be done and then go on with doing the other things that you enjoy doing. I hope you don't have to face this mountain of workload again. Just get done with it and start focusing on improving your time management skills. There are so many other activities that you want to pursue and also many others that you have already taken up and should keep up with. If you want to do all that, such poor skills are not taking you anywhere. I know this is going to be the last time you are throwing yourself in such a scary situation.

Closing thoughts

To anyone reading this, this was not intended towards you, the reader. When I used the word "you" in this article, I was actually talking about myself and to myself. This post was highly needed. This self talk was highly essential. That's it for today! Bye!